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Laredo, Texas

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Monday, March 17, 2025

Honorable Mayor Pete Saenz Surprises Students at DeLlano Elementary  

Courtesy Yvette Treviño,

(Laredo, Texas)-Third Grade students at Matias DeLlano Elementary were in for a treat this morning when none other than the Honorable Mayor Pete Saenz paid them a visit to read them a story. The visit comes after students in Ms. Alcaraz’s class during a lesson on “writing with a purpose” decided to write the mayor a letter requesting he visit their class. During the lesson, students not only learned about this particular form of letter writing, but they also researched information on the mayor and learned a little more about him. 

During the mayor’s visit he took some time to read a holiday favorite, Santa Is Coming To Texasby Steve Smallamn. Much to the delight of their teacher, the students learned that a little extra elbow work can be very rewarding.

Pictured below is Honorable Mayor Pete Saenz reading Santa Is Coming To Texas by Steve Smallman to Ms. Alcaraz’s Third Grade Class. 

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