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Laredo, Texas

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Monday, March 17, 2025

Commissioner Jesse Gonzalez Listens to Concerned Citizens of Rio Bravo

DSC_0756Courtesy Larry Sanchez,

Laredo, Texas- Residents of the city of Rio Bravo had the opportunity to voice their concerns to their newly elected Webb County Commissioner, Jesse Gonzalez at a town hall meeting held in the Rio Bravo Activity Center last night, Wednesday February 22, 2017.

Commissioner Gonzalez took with him a panel of experts to discuss topics such as re-striping Espejo Molina Road, a city wide clean-up, El Aguila bus routes, and park maintenance. The residents expressed concerns of vandalism in the area, particularly in their city park.

“I am working on getting the park lights installed to alleviate that problem,” Commissioner Gonzalez stated. “It will take about three weeks to have the lights up and running, but that project is already in the works. I am also working on increasing law enforcement presence, especially at night.”
Commissioner Gonzalez also talked about the water plant, as that was a main concern for the citizens.

“Water quality is at 100 percent,” Commissioner Gonzalez affirmed. “I believe the citizens will be relieved to know that after so many years, the water will finally be potable.”
Commissioner Gonzalez says he plans to keep having community meetings such as this throughout his precinct in order to learn more about the concerns of his constituents.

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