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Friday, March 14, 2025

TAMIU ‘Teach to Lead Summit’ Discusses Student Achievement Gaps Jan. 3

tamiuCourtesy Mika S Akikuni

TAMIU ‘Teach to Lead Summit’ Discusses Student Achievement Gaps Jan. 3

Texas A&M International University (TAMIU) College of Education invites teachers, principals and school district leaders to an event where ideas on how to teach the achievement gap among various students will be discussed Tuesday, Jan. 3, from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. in the United Independent School District Activity Center.

The “Powered by TAMIU-Teach to Lead Summit in Texas” is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education and the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards and ASCD, said TAMIU College of Education Dean Dr. James O’Meara.

Achievement gaps occur when one group of students outperforms another and the difference in average scores for the two groups is statistically different, said Dr. O’Meara.

Closing the student achievement gap for Black and Hispanic students and those eligible for the free or reduced-price school lunch is a national priority, he explained.
“The Teach to Lead movement is working with TAMIU to expand opportunities for teacher leadership in Texas,” O’Meara said, “We share the same belief that it is time to wake the sleeping giant of teacher leadership in Texas by positioning our teachers as the catalyst for change.”

The Summit provides a forum for sharing ideas, developing action plans and building networks to empower teachers to play a more central role in closing the student achievement gap, O’Meara explained.

Educators with ideas on how to help close the Student Achievement Gap are invited to submit their ideas by Friday, Dec. 9.
Those interested in submitting their ideas can find out more at www.tamiu.edu/coedu/TeachtoLead
Selected submission authors will be named to 25 teams to lead the January forum, O’Meara said.

For more information, please contact O’Meara at 326.2680, email ja**********@ta***.edu or visit offices located in the Sue and Radcliffe Killam Library, room 429A.

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