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Thursday, March 13, 2025

TAMIU Awarded $22,000 in Student Scholarships by Mexican Consulate

Courtesy Mika S. Akikuni,

Laredo, Texas-  This holiday season, Texas A&M International University (TAMIU) and its students received a much welcome gift of $22,000 for student scholarships from the Consulate General of México in Laredo.

Scholarship recipients were presented in ceremonies held Thursday at the University in Senator Judith Zaffirini Student Success Center and attended by Consul Carolina Zaragoza Flores.

Seven TAMIU students were selected for the scholarships made possible by the Instituto de los Mexicanos en el Exterior (IME) Becas Program, which provides financial support for Mexican students attending university here.

Students receiving the scholarships, and their respective undergraduate majors, are Dinorah Arista, English; Yolanda Barrera, Business Administration; Juan Gerardo Martínez, English; Celestino Vela Mancillas, English; Tabatha Rodríguez, Political Science/Spanish double major; Esperanza Urban, Biology, and Edgar Villarreal, Business Administration.

The IME-Becas Program, which helps to underscore TAMIU’s international mission, has been providing needed scholarship support to TAMIU students since 2010.  To date, the program, combined with matching support from TAMIU, has generated approximately $95,000 in scholarships. This has enabled 32 students to complete their degrees in a variety of disciplines.

“This scholarship partnership truly attests to the importance and power of higher education in this region and the international mission of our University,” said TAMIU president Dr. Pablo Arenaz, “Our students are blessed to be able to benefit from the generosity of the IME-Becas program, and I know all are deeply appreciative of this opportunity and the support that helps them complete their studies.”

“IME Becas is directed to widen educational opportunities to Mexicans abroad studying basic education, university or college. With this program, the government of México seeks to facilitate academic and professional development to Mexicans in the United States, in order for them to better contribute to the society and use their knowledge for the development of their homeland in México,” said a news release provided by the Consulate General of México in Laredo.

The Mexican government created the program in 2005 as a means to endorse academic development for Mexican immigrants living in the U.S. It is administered by the Consulate.

For additional information, contact the Office of the Vice President for Institutional Advancement, 956.326.4483.

Classes for the Spring Semester 2017 at TAMIU begin Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2017.


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