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Thursday, March 13, 2025

Courts is Schools Was In Session at Alexander High School

pCourtesy Carmen Rendon,

Today, 341st District Court Judge Beckie Palomo presided over five cases that related to drug abuse during the Courts in Schools hearings at Alexander High School. One particular defendant received a four-year prison sentence for what could have been a four-year college degree. After hearing Palomo announce his sentence, the remorseful inmate advised the student observers to enjoy their high school years by making good personal choices. “Don’t let the temptation of drugs and alcohol steal them for you,” were his parting words.

The Courts in Schools Program is designed to bring the courtroom experience into the school setting by introducing high school students to the procedures and realities of the criminal justice system. The event is an actual Court proceeding that has all the components of a courtroom including the defendant, defense counsel, prosecuting attorneys, law enforcement representatives, and a Judge. With this experience, it is the expectation that young people will become more aware of their civic responsibilities, and the advantages of being law-abiding citizens. “It is always an honor to conduct Courts in Schools to educate the students about the consequences of their decisions and about behavior that can legal consequences,” said Judge Palomo.

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