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Laredo, Texas

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Monday, March 17, 2025

UISD’s Tomorrow’s Teachers Program Draws Over 500 Students

image001Courtesy Alex Meyer,

(Laredo, Tx)-On Novmber 18, 2014, 537 elementary, middle and high school students participated UISD’s Tomorrow’s Teachers program at the UISD SAC auditorium and meeting rooms. The Tomorrow’s Teachers program is an annual initiative that provides encouragement to students who are considering a career in teaching. The theme of this year’s mini-conference was Teaching is Out of This World.

Students worked on projects together and were evaluated on a points basis. Contests included a tri-fold contest and story-telling contest. Cindy Villarreal, UISD Human Resources Coordinator, pointed out that UISD is expanding into the future with the construction of new elementary, middle and high schools. “We will need more teachers in the future, and this initiative is one way of creating a pool of teachers using our own students, Villarreal said.

“By informing them of about the advantages of a teaching career we can influence them through college with teaching as their career goal, and maybe get them to teach in UISD schools”

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