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Laredo, Texas

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Sunday, March 16, 2025


Courtesy Veronica Cantu,

Drop off your gently used articles and help students in need

donate (Laredo, Tx)-If your children have any gently used school uniforms they may have outgrown or no longer use, the United Independent School District asks that you consider donating them to help students in need. 

 Beginning now until school starts on August 26, 2013, UISD will have four convenient locations to drop off gently used school uniforms for students.  Donations of gently used uniform tops, such as blouses and polo shirts, as well as, uniform bottoms such as pants, shorts, skirts are needed.  Additionally, donations of gently worn shoes and belts would be greatly appreciated.

 The student uniform drop-off locations are as follows:   

  • UISD Central Offices located at 201 Lindenwood Drive
  • UISD Curriculum and Instruction Building located at 4410 State Highway 359
  • UISD Bill Johnson Student Activity Complex located at 5208 Santa Claudia Lane
  • The Imaginarium of South Texas located at 5300 San Dario (next to Dillard’s Department Store at Mall Del Norte)

All uniform sizes are needed for boys and girls in elementary, middle, and high school.  All donations will benefit students of the District as all students enrolled in UISD from pre-k through 12th grade must wear a school uniform as per student uniform dress code policy.  For more information call UISD at (956) 473-6349 or (956) 473-6201.

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