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Laredo, Texas

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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

LISD Summer school starts today Tuesday, June 11

Courtesy Roberto Treviño,

(Laredo, Tx)-Summer school classes for Laredo Independent School District students begins today Tuesday, June 11, at all LISD campuses.  Students will be enrolled in classes for credit, promotion, or enrichment.

 The goal of Summer School is to offer a wide range of educational experiences needed by the greatest number of LISD students to fulfill their unique educational needs, talents, and interests.

 LISD‘s 20 elementary campuses will be offering a variety of classes this summer.  Students may sign-up for the following classes: Extended Year Retention Program for promotion, fifth grade Student Success Initiative in Reading and Math, Kinder Enrichment Program, Bilingual Program, and Special Education Extended School Year.  Classes will be scheduled from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.  The LISD Bilingual Program will start Monday, June 10 for all incoming kinder and first grade students.

 Summer classes for middle school students will be available at Christen, Lamar, Cigarroa, and Memorial Middle Schools.  Middle school students will be enrolled in the following classes:  Extended Year Service, Learning with Gusto/American Reading, Student Success Initiative, STAAR Intervention. Classes will be scheduled from 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.   

 Summer classes for elementary and middle school students will end on Friday, June 28.

Summer classes for high school students will be available at Martin, Nixon, Early College, Valdez High Schools and Lara Academy.  Students can register for the following classes: End of Course (EOC), Extended Year Service, Credit Acceleration, and Credit Recovery.   Classes will be scheduled from 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday.   Please contact your campus for class times.

 The LISD Child Nutrition Program will be offering breakfast and lunch meals to students at all campuses.  The summer feeding program is free to all children 18 and younger.  Contact 211 for more information regarding feeding sites.  The LISD Transportation Department will be sending out buses to transport students that reside within an area that is designated a hazardous route.

 For more information please contact your child’s campus.

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