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Monday, March 17, 2025

Region One ESC Child Find Art Winners Announced

Courtesy Veronica Cantu,

(Laredo, Tx)-Each year, the Region One ESC Child Find Art Contest attracts the brightest and most talented artists that local school districts have to offer. And this year was no exception.  The annual event, sponsored by the Region One ESC Child Find program, a component of the Region One Education Special Education Program, organizes the art contest and promotes the winning artwork on the official Child Find brochure, poster and other promotional items throughout the year. These items are distributed throughout the Region One area, in the schools and community.

 This year, hundreds of entries were received in the Annual Region One ESC Child Find Art Contest making it extremely difficult for judges to make their final selections of a grand prize winner in the elementary, middle school and high school categories.

 Juanita Lovejoy, Child Find Director explains that winners were chosen in each division: elementary, middle and high school.  All winners received art supplies and a copy of the official Child Find calendar depicting all the winning artwork.

 The top winners are:  High School Level: 1st Place – Samantha Carrillo, 12th Grade, Sharyland High School, Sharyland ISD, Mrs. I. Garcia, teacher; Middle School Level: 1st Place – Valeria Trevino, 7th Grade, United Middle School, United ISD; Ms. Angela G. Gomez, teacher; Elementary Level: 1st Place – Leonardo A. Saenz, 4th Grade, Emma Vera Elementary, Roma ISD; Mrs. Y. Gonzalez, teacher.

 To view all the winning entries, visit  http://www.esc1.net//site/Default.aspx?PageID=273.

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