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Laredo, Texas

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Sunday, March 23, 2025

Willie Bote Wishes Laredo a Recycled Christmas

Courtesy Xochitl Mora,

(Laredo, Tx)- This holiday season, as Laredoans are happily tearing away at wrapping paper, ripping open boxes, scouring through gift bags, tossing aside tissue paper and bows and discarding plastic moldings for toys, Willie Bote, Laredo’s environmentally-friendly trashcan mascot, has only one wish for his fellow citizens: please recycle!

 “Let’s give Mother Earth a Christmas present this year and instead of throwing away all this paper, plastic and cardboard boxes as trash, let’s recycle it instead, saving so many natural resources and keeping Laredo beautiful and clean,” said Bote.

 Recycling should be collected in the recycle blue bags, or, put in large cardboard boxes that will also be discarded for recycling.  If there are not enough blue bags or a box large enough for all the recyclables, contact the Solid Waste Services customer service line at 796-1098 or 3-1-1 so that crews can deliver blue bags to your home. 

 “Even if you have to hold on to your recycling a little longer, this material doesn’t smell, it doesn’t rot and can be compacted to take as little space as possible, until you have the blue bags to recycle properly,” he added. 

 Additionally, the City of Laredo Solid Waste Services Division is accepting discarded Christmas trees at various locations around town, to mulch.  Recycling clippings, branches and Christmas trees helps reduce the amount of garbage that enters the landfill. Trees are ground into mulch, which protects the soil and helps plants grow stronger.

Before dropping off your tree, remove all decorations, tinsel, and lights, as well as the stand. These are the drop-off locations for discarded trees:

Fire station #2 (rear of building), 2200 Chacota

Fire station #5, 2601 Bartlett Avenue

Fire station #9, 13301 Mines Road

Fire station #12, 9402 NE Bob Bullock Loop

Used Oil Site, 5510 Daugherty Street

 Christmas trees will be accepted at these sites December 22, 2011 through January 20, 2012.

 “I encourage everyone to please recycle all wrapping paper, cardboard and aluminum during these holiday festivities, as well as their Christmas trees,” concluded Bote.  “Relax. Rejoice. Recycle!”

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