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Laredo, Texas

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Monday, March 24, 2025

CONGRESSMAN CUELLAR ANNOUNCES $3M GRANT for Laredo International aiport

Courtesy Jose Borjon,

Funding will support noise reduction efforts and help hundreds of residents living near airport

 Laredo, Texas – Today, Congressman Henry Cuellar (TX-28) announced a federal grant for $3,000,000 for the Laredo International Airport from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).  “The federal dollars awarded to the Laredo International Airport will help with noise reduction efforts at the airport and help more than 500 residents living nearby,” Congressman Cuellar said. “Mayor Raul Salinas, City Manager Carlos Villarreal and Airport Manager Jose Flores have been instrumental in securing these funds and I thank them for their commitment to the City of Laredo.”

 These funds are made available from the Federal Aviation Administration through their Airport Improvement Program (AIP). The funds will be used for noise mitigation measures as outlined in the airport’s Noise Compatibility Plan to reduce noise impacting approximately 588 residents in communities adjacent to the airport. The noise reduction program is administered by the City of Laredo’s Community Development Department.

 “Since the noise mitigation program’s inception, the City of Laredo has actively pursued Airport Noise Mitigation grants from the Federal Aviation Administration,” said City of Laredo Mayor Raul G. Salinas.  “Congressman Cuellar has always been extremely helpful in this endeavor, helping us to bring peace of mind to our residents as we continue to improve and promote our airport.”

 “In fact, over the years, the Laredo International Airport has received 14 grants totaling $40,939,432 with a local match of $3,145,321 for a total sum of $44,084,753 invested in Airport Noise Mitigation, thanks to the hard work of airport staff.”

 According to City Manager Carlos Villarreal, the City of Laredo is contracting for professional services to update the airport’s noise contours and thus evaluate the airport’s noise impact on residential properties.

 The Airport’s Noise Abatement Program consists of three elements and these are voluntary to the property owner: offer to purchase the residential property; soundproof the residence and in exchange, the property owner conveys to the City of Laredo a perpetual noise easement; or purchase the avigation noise easement.

 To date, the City of Laredo has acquired 194 properties in Fee Simple title; 350 Avigation Easements, and has soundproofed 112 residential units.

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