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Laredo, Texas

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Sunday, March 23, 2025

Webb County Sheriff Martin Cuellar Honors 911-Telecommunicators

Courtesy Maru De La Paz,

Laredo, Texas (Webb County) – The Webb County Sheriff’s Office 911 Communications Center celebrated National Public Safety Telecommunications Week.  The week of April 10-16 has been set aside to honor telecommunications professionals who aid in providing 911 emergency assistance to citizens across the U.S.

“Every day millions of people depend on the skill, expertise, compassion and commitment of public safety telecommunications professionals who help save countless lives by responding to emergency calls, dispatching emergency professionals and equipment, as well as provide moral support to citizens in crisis,” Sheriff Martin Cuellar stated. “with Webb county being the 6th largest county in Texas, the Webb county sheriff’s office 911 Communications Center provides services for Law Enforcement agencies in Webb County.”

Sheriff Cuellar said those calls include those asking for police officers, deputies, firefighters, paramedics and emergency medical technicians for Webb County, including Bruni, Oilton, Mirando, Penitas, El Cenizo and Rio Bravo.

“In addition, communications officers monitor the field’s Cops-sync system, patrol unit’s radio traffic, respond to their individual requests and still answer the 911 and non-emergency lines.”Communications Center Supervisor, Pete Montemayor said.

Montemayor also stated that approximately 10,000 telephone calls per month are logged through the Webb County 911 center.

“Many people don’t stop to think about the nameless, faceless individuals who answer 911 calls until they experience actual emergencies themselves. These telecommunicators make the difference between life and death in many instances.” Sheriff Martin Cuellar said.

Sheriff Cuellar released several encouraging statements and presented certificates praising his employees for the job they do.

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