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Laredo, Texas

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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

City of Laredo Customer Service Seeks Input

Courtesy Xochitl Mora,

Online survey will help gauge, improve customer service to community

 Laredo, TX )  The City of Laredo has integrated an online survey for residents to rate its daily customer service.  The survey is available on the City’s homepage, www.cityoflaredo.com and we’ll prompt customers to rate a particular City of Laredo service that was recently experienced.

 “We hope that this will lead to positive feedback to ensure good customer service by all City employees at all times,” said City of Laredo Mayor Raul G. Salinas.  “We may also find opportunities to improve the service that is being provided, but we expect to learn more about how our citizens rate the City of Laredo.”

 Once on the city’s website, click on the “Rate Our Service” icon and fill in the brief survey questions that appear.  At the end of the eight question survey, customers will be able to fill in a box for additional comments or feedback.  They submit their name, a contact phone number and e-mail address before completing the survey.  The survey is currently in English, but will soon be available in Spanish.

 Survey results will be collected by the existing WebQA survey module managed by the 3-1-1 Center and appropriately disseminated to respective departments. This will help City of Laredo employees and departments adjust as necessary to any constructive feedback given.

 For more information, call the City of Laredo Customer Service hotline at 3-1-1.

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