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Laredo, Texas

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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Bi-national Breast Cancer Awareness International Bridge Ceremony

SaliansGarzaBarriosBreastCancerAwarenessCourtesy Xochitl Mora,

Laredo, TXOn October 19, 2010, another historic event was conducted between “Los Dos Laredos” to promote health prevention and wellness; and in particular, to create awareness and early detection of breast cancer prevention for this Sister City community. To support binational breast cancer awareness with early detection and prevention, City of Laredo, Texas Mayor Raul G. Salinas and City of Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas Mayor Ramon Garza Barrios, met at the halfway mark of International Bridge I to recognize breast cancer prevention action and exchange a pink ribbon, as a symbol of mutual commitment to breast cancer prevention, and release pink balloons in honor of those affected by this disease. Both officials met to further dedicate themselves to prevention and awareness, along with dozens of health and city officials from both Laredos, as well persons and family members affected by breast cancer. Over one hundred persons met at the bridge to promote wellness, reduce obesity, reduce smoking and promote healthy behavior as these are risk reducing actions to cancer prevention.

This is the first time that both cities’ officials, health personal and persons affected by breast cancer met at a symbolic site to highlight not only a local, state and national, but also, an international cause to prevent breast cancer and promote wellness. Both mayors agreed that no one should die of breast cancer today. Dr. Jaime Gutierrez, Nuevo Laredo Health Department Director, joined the event and discussed the rates of cancer between both Laredo’s and stated that between the two cities, 21 persons had died of breast cancer, possibly needlessly, as this is highly preventable if caught early. Dr. Hector F. Gonzalez, Director of Health for the City of Laredo said “early detection, wellness and prevention are key elements to prevent any cancer, but especially breast cancer: this is a treatable cancer with good results when caught early. It is unfortunate that of the 11 breast cancer deaths for 2010 to date seven (7) were metastatic. . . ” meaning that some of these could have been prevented if caught earlier.  “That is why annual exams, early detection services and reducing risk factors are essential,” Gonzalez added.

Dr. Gonzalez also shared that the City of Laredo Health Department has started a new early detection and wellness effort funded through the Cancer Prevention Institute of Texas (CPRIT) that will increase access points of entry to preventive care and early detection services and will link persons to diagnostic services. If someone is confirmed, they will also be case managed to assure they are linked to treatment. Both mayors and health officials reinforced that by linking persons to wellness efforts to reduce smoking, obesity and improve nutrition and increase exercise, the two Laredos can reduce risk factors that cause cancer, in particular, breast cancer. Therefore, the city of Laredo will continue to promote wellness and prevention by increasing early detection, increasing HPV vaccines, promoting smoking prevention, exercise and proper nutrition as well as continue partnering with Nuevo Laredo to jointly battle cancer and promote wellness.

“Both Mayor Salinas and Mayor Garza Barrios should be commended in making prevention and cancer prevention a priority,” Gonzalez concluded.

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