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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Beeville Resident Wins Hybrid Car Online Sweepstakes

Courtesy TxDot,

Drive Clean Campaign Hands Over Car Keys to Head Start Director

(Austin, Texas) – Gracie Botello of Beeville, a Head Start Coordinator and mother of two, said she couldn’t believe what she was hearing when she received the call from Dallas Cowboys headquarters notifying her she had won a new, clean-running Ford Fusion Hybrid. It’s all part of a sweepstakes organized by Drive Clean Across Texas, the nation’s first statewide air quality public education campaign, which encourages motorists to do their part to help reduce air pollution in our state.
“I entered the contest last year and didn’t win, but when I saw it mentioned during a Cowboys game I decided to try again this year, and I’m so glad I did,” explained Botello, who says she will be retiring the 1998 Ford Escort she now drives. 

“We’ve had that Escort for a long time,” Botello chuckled. “Being the daughter of an auto mechanic, I’ve always done my best to keep it running clean, but this new Ford Fusion Hybrid is going to be a welcome change.”

Botello, chosen in a random drawing from among more than 29,800 entries, was presented with the keys to her new hybrid sedan this morning by Dallas Cowboys’ Pro Bowler center Andre Gurode, following the team’s practice session at their headquarters in Valley Ranch. Botello was joined at Cowboys headquarters by campaign partners from the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) and the Dallas Cowboys Football Club, which provided the vehicle on behalf of the clean air campaign.

“We are so excited to see this car go to a motorist like Gracie Botello who has long made a habit of doing her part for clean air in Texas,” said TxDOT’s Brenda Flores-Dollar.  “We hope other Texans will follow her example and take some of the simple steps – such as keeping your tires properly inflated, replacing air and fuel filters regularly, and getting regular oil changes – that can help contribute to cleaning the air in Texas.”

Driving a hybrid or other low-emission vehicle is among the things drivers can do to help achieve cleaner air. By driving a vehicle that pollutes less, motorists not only help keep the air cleaner, but they also save money on gasoline.
“I can’t believe this actually happened for me and my family,” said Botello.  “I hope one of the first trips we take in our new car is to a Dallas Cowboys game.”

Drive Clean Across Texas is a partnership between the Texas Department of Transportation and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. More clean air tips and other information about air quality can be found at the campaign’s website, www.DriveCleanAcrossTexas.org.

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