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Laredo, Texas

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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Salinas Sends Regrets to Vice-President Biden

City of Laredo Mayor Raul G. Salinas today expressed his respectful regrets to Vice-President Joe Biden and his wife, Dr. Jill Biden, for their invitation to a reception at their home next week to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Week.

  “I am sending a letter to Vice-President Biden to make it clear that while I was honored by the invitation he and Dr. Biden sent to me, and I would surely have loved to go, I simply cannot attend,” stated Salinas.  “Next week is a very important week that requires my presence in Laredo, with possible opportunities to sit with state officials to discuss potential funding opportunities,” he added, alluding to a possible visit by Governor Rick Perry and others to Laredo to discuss border security.

 “Additionally, the City of Laredo is faced with a number of budget challenges, and in fact, has asked City departments to tighten their belts, by cutting travel whenever possible.  No matter how worthy the cause, I cannot, at this time, ask the City of Laredo to pay for me to travel to Washington.  It is for the same reasons that I am not traveling to Seattle next week to attend the leadership meeting of the United States Conference of Mayors.”  Salinas was elected to the organization’s board this past summer.

 Salinas indicated that he was exploring other avenues to ensure that Laredo will be represented at Vice-President Biden’s event.

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