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Laredo, Texas

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Monday, March 24, 2025

Jacaman Rd. Flooding Day Care Kids Rescued by Laredo Police

Itsy Bitsy Spider BUZZcopy

Courtesy Joe Baeza,

At approximately 12:30 pm on September 29, 2009 the City of Laredo received, in some areas, up to 6 inches of rainfall.  The rainfall lasted approximately an hour and a half.  The torrential down pour of rain created various traffic related setbacks throughout the city.  Sergeant Carlos AdanbuzzLaredo first responders were busy trying to block low water crossings and attend to marooned vehicles stuck in standing water.  The Laredo Police Department was especially busy with a major roadway in the east part of the city at the intersection of Jacaman Rd. and McPherson.  Two patrol officers and a Sergeant along with employees from the Laredo Public Works Department had to tread in some cases through waist and chest length water in order to reach a Day Care (Apple Bee Development Center) where preschool aged children were rescued and moved physically onto a pickup truck where they were taken to higher dry ground.  The children were taken to the parking lot of a nearby restaurant where the children entertained themselves singing “The Itsy, Bitsy Spider” as they waited for their parents to pick them up.  Approximately 90 children were safe and dry.  Other than property damage there were no reported injuries or fatalities related to the rainfall. 

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