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Saturday, March 15, 2025

Alexander High School Holds Career Day

Courtesy Veronica Cantu,

Alexander Career Day(Laredo, Texas)-Hundreds of students at Alexander High School may have found their future career 
interest on December 17, 2015 at the school’s annual Career Day. Career Day was 
hosted by the AHS Counseling Department, in which they successfully brought in 
more than 100 professionals from throughout the city.  They spoke and gave the 
students tips and pointers on how they too can become what they set their minds 
and hearts to be, as well as reminding them to give back to the community.  
Throughout this day long event students had educational professionals, city and 
county representatives, public and private business men and women, and of many 
more career choices present. Career Day brings together students and employers 
from various local businesses, and is an opportunity that consists of overseeing the 
finest details to welcome guest speakers, as they take time out of their busy 
schedules to speak to students. It is why 9th Grade counselors Joella Ballesteros and 
Brenda Herrera would like to send their greatest gratitude to Taco Palenque and 
Wal-Mart for sponsoring their event, and to the entire AHS counseling department 
for organizing and carrying out the operations of Career Day. The Alexander High 
School Bulldog Family would like to highlight a “thank you” to all the business 
professionals who were present, and opened up the invitation for their participation 
at next school year’s Career Day.


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