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Laredo, Texas

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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

LISD Police Department Bicycle Rodeo

Courtesy Roberto Treviño,

 Remember the feeling of first learning to ride a bicycle on your own – without training wheels and without a parent’s balancing hand. Remember that sudden rush of freedom. If you have to strain to think back that far, well, maybe it’s time to strap on a helmet and saddle up! On Saturday, May 21, Laredo I.S.D. Police Department will be sponsoring a Bicycle Rodeo at the Martin High School’s parking lot from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

 The event will give participants a chance to learn about and practice basic bicycling skills and safety tips they need in order to be better cyclists. The Bicycle Rodeo will include a safety inspection and a series of skills stations directly related to everyday bicycling situation. Participants will practice starting and stopping, the safe way to exit a driveway, how to look for traffic, negotiate an intersection, and avoid common road hazards.

 “The Bike Rodeo will offer riders bike safety inspections and proper helmet fitting done by our police department,” said LISD Police Chief Lonnie Cook. “The children can practice their bike handling skills on our bike course lay out. By learning bike handling and traffic skills, one can enjoy bicycling more and reduce the chance of injury.”

 Bicyclists aged eight to twelve are invited to attend. Children will need to bring a bicycle, a helmet, and a signed permission slip. Parents are invited to participate, too. There is no charge for participating. Snack and refreshments will be provided.

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