Abuse of Credit Card / Warrant Served
Written by Post Public Information Representative, Dec 1, 2009, 4 Comments
Courtesy Joe Baeza,
Thanks to calls from viewers who saw footage of a woman taking a credit card left behind at a local grocery store led police to the arrest of Karen Francis Robbins, age 40. A combination of the surveillance footage and the leads called in to police after the pictures of the surveillance tape aired on the local media outlets, investigators had positively identified Robbins for using a credit card left behind by a woman who forgot it at the grocery store checkout counter. Robbins, who was next in line after the unsuspecting woman left, purposely lifted the card and went on a shopping spree at a local drug store. Robbins rang up over a hundred dollars in unauthorized charges with the stolen credit card.
Robbins was arrested at the 700 block of Lafayette Street and served with the warrant charging her with abuse of a credit card which is a state jail felony. She was remanded to Webb County Jail under a $10,000 bond set by J.P. Oscar Liendo.
Special thanks to the media and their viewers who assist us daily with valuable information in criminal investigations.
Karen if you get this messege please call me at (754)551-4954. I moved to Florida now and am doing good.
She only did what she did because she was trying to help her husband which loves her and would like to hear from her.
come on she is homeless she acted on impulse forgive and forget. who are we to judge we dont know why she did what she did hunger is a mofo we are blessed to have what we have she has nothing.
let he who is without sin cast the first stone
jesus christ
this chick’s always flying signs next to taco palenque jr! WTF I can’t wait to see her and talk smack.. hahahahaa