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Laredo, Texas

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Friday, January 17, 2025

Rep. Cuellar Announces More than $1.628 Billion in Funding for Laredo Transportation Projects

Courtesy Dana Youngentob,

Laredo, TX—U.S. Congressman Henry Cuellar (TX-28) announced $1.628 billion in transportation funding for the Laredo area.

The funds are authorized through the Texas Department of Transportation’s 2023 Unified Transportation Program (UTP), which is the state’s 10-year plan to guide the development of transportation work across the state. The $1.6 billion in funding includes 16 highway projects in Laredo that will be developed or undergo construction over the next 10 years.

Historic transportation funding from last year’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law contributes to the $1.6 billion in funding, which is a $1.25 billion increase in funding for the Laredo area from the 2015 UTP.

“In 2015, the Laredo area received $350 million in transportation funding for the 10-year planning period. Now, Laredo is receiving nearly five times that amount for transportation investments throughout the next 10 years—a historic investment for our area,” said Congressman Cuellar, Senior Member of the House Appropriations Committee.

“This investment reflects how much Laredo has grown and the potential it has to continue to do so.

I am proud to have helped pass the historic Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, which is one of the main reasons for such an exponential increase in funding. I want to thank TxDOT District Engineer David Salazar, Mayor Pete Saenz, the Laredo City Council, Webb County-City of Laredo RMA Chairman Jed Brown, and all other public officials and leaders for continuing to ensure the safety and efficiency of our transportation systems.”

“We have arrived! Finally, TXDOT and others see the great infrastructure needs and the corresponding value that Port Laredo generates and contributes to our state and national economies. I am delighted to have TXDOT as our big partner in planning and developing Laredo’s road infrastructure future.

My continued admiration and appreciation for Congressman Cuellar’s hard work in Washington DC for making these funds available and channeled through TxDot to our Laredo. Viva LAREDO!” said Mayor Pete Saenz.

The historic investment will fund 16 major projects in Laredo, including improvements to: IH-35, US 59, SH 359, SL 20, and Vallecillo Road.

Of the state’s 25 transportation districts, Laredo has the fifth-highest amount in funding being let in 2023.

To date, Texas has already received $5.2 billion in funding for highways and $115 million for bridges from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.

In Addition, earlier this year, Congressman Cuellar added language for the authorization of a new ports-to-plains corridor, I-27, from Laredo, giving the area 4 major interstates: IH-35, I-27, I-69, and I-2.

To view a breakdown of the state’s 10-year plan for transportation investments in Laredo, click here.

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