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Laredo, Texas

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Saturday, March 15, 2025

Cherish Center Celebrates 10 Years Of Service to UISD’s Special Needs Students

Courtesy Alex Meyer,

(Laredo, Texas)-The United ISD Cherish Center celebrated its 10th anniversary in providing educational opportunities for growth, development, and self-sufficiency to students from all four of the district’s high schools.

The center opened its doors in the fall of 2011 with 42 students, and remains the only facility of its kind in the South Texas region. Today, an average of 80 students attend the center, which offers two specialized programs for students.

The vocational/career curriculum program provides hands-on training in business media, commercial foodservice, hotel hospitality, horticulture, and retail merchandising. Moreover, many students in this program are employed by partners in the local business community.

The second program offers severely disabled students an alternative to homebound services or placement far away from home. The specialized units include an MLC (motivational learning center), an SLC (structural learning center), and Medical Fragile.

The spirited affair was attended by United ISD Superintendent David H. Gonzalez, management team members, Cherish Center staff & teachers (past and present), parents, current students, and local dignitaries. Senator Judith Zaffirini commended the district and the Cherish Center via a pre-recorded message, and Assistant City Manager Riazul Mia presented a proclamation on behalf of Mayor Pete Saenz to declare March 25, 2022, as United ISD Cherish Center Day.

The event concluded outdoors with the release of 10 ballons – each representing a year of exceptional service to special needs students and their families. “All of us at UISD are appreciative of what our staff, teachers, and community partners do for the students and families they serve.

Together, they provide crucial training, encouragement, and opportunities for Cherish Center students so that they have the opportunity to live more independent, successful, and fulfilling lives”, said, Superintendent Gonzalez





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