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Laredo, Texas

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Saturday, March 15, 2025

United ISD’s Cherish Center Hosts RGCGISD, Region One-ESC, TEA, & Sam Houston State

Courtesy Lauren Cavazos,

(Laredo, Texas)-Recently, United ISD’s Cherish Center hosted visitors from Rio Grande City Grulla ISD (RGCGISD), Region One-ESC, Texas Education Agency (TEA), and Sam Houston State. The visit was a concerted effort to showcase the level of expertise the specialty school has developed over the last eleven years since its opening in 2010. This program offers students and their families the support they need beyond their high school years. The visit included a program overview & curriculum, a presentation on funding resources, testimonials from students, parents, & job site managers, and the opportunity to purchase items made by students who attend the Cherish Center.

United ISD is committed to providing our special needs students with crucial educational opportunities for their growth and development. The United ISD Cherish Center is undoubtedly no exception. The Cherish Center, a recently renovated 21,000 square-foot facility, offers two specialized programs for students from the District’s four high schools. Our vocational/career curriculum program provides our students a hands-on training center in the following fields: business media, commercial foodservice, hotel hospitality, horticulture, and retail merchandising. Our second program offers students that are severely disabled an alternative to homebound services or placement far away from home. The specialized units include an MLC (motivational learning center), an SLC (structural learning center), and Medical Fragile. The Cherish Center’s main objective is to advance the goal of the District’s Special Education Program to provide education and training to all special needs students so that they have the opportunity to live more independent, successful, and fulfilling lives.

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