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Laredo, Texas

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Saturday, March 1, 2025

Laredo to Receive the First Shipment of COVID-19 Vaccinations for Healthcare Workers

Courtesy Noraida Negron,

LAREDO, Texas— The City of Laredo received great news from the Texas Department of State Health Services on COVID-19 vaccine allocation. According to DSHS, Texas will receive more than 224- thousand Pfizer vaccines that will be shipped to 109 hospitals in 34 counties including Webb.

The vaccines will be shipped to Laredo as early as the week of December 14, 2020 depending on when they are authorized for use in the United States. If so, Laredo will get 2,925 vaccines. The first set of vaccines will be distributed to the hospital staff working directly with patients who are positive or at high risk for COVID-19. This includes: physicians, nurses, respiratory therapists and other support staff (custodial staff, etc.). Also, additional clinical staff providing support to labs, pharmacies, diagnostics and/or rehabilitation services qualify for the vaccine.

“Stopping the COVID pandemic requires using all the tools available like wearing masks and social distancing, to help reduce your chance of being exposed to the virus or spreading it to others, another essential tool to stop COVID are vaccines. Very soon vaccines will be available for our Health Care Providers at hospitals to help safeguard the important work they do; save lives. Receiving COVID Vaccines in Laredo is great news, a sigh of relief for our community during this rapid acceleration phase of COVID-19.” said Health Department Director, Richard Chamberlain.

The initial vaccine supply is limited. The allocation for the first week is based on information submitted by vaccine providers when they enrolled including the number of health care workers who can be quickly vaccinated and vaccine storage capacity at each site.

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