Call for Artists Seeking Creative Submittals for New Public Art Installation at North Central Park Along Manadas Creek
Written by Post Public Information Representative, Jun 9, 2020, 0 Comments
LAREDO, Texas—A Call for Artists has been issued seeking creative submittals from any and all interested artists or art groups willing to work with the City of Laredo for a new permanent art installation at North Central Park along Manadas Creek.
The Environment-Conscious Permanent Public Art Installation information for interested artists and art groups is available by visiting the City of Laredo Bid page under the Keep Laredo Beautiful section. A digital packet of information is available on-line, along with the application for this project. Artists or art groups are asked to submit 5 items including:
1. Completed application (PDF form)
2. Concept drawing or image of the proposed art installation, up to 6 images with captions
3. Written examples of past work OR resume; to evidence ability to complete quality projects by the proposed artist/artist group; no images
4. Proposed budget, to include all the budget description items above and not to exceed $40,000
5. Proposed location, wide shot photographic image or map with location pin should suffice
The deadline for submittal of proposals is Thursday July 9, by 5:00 p.m. either via email at ke***************** or a hard copy of the proposal may be submitted by delivery service or drop off at the Environmental Services Department, 619 Reynolds Street. Keep Laredo Beautiful is the commissioning entity and will be managing the project in collaboration with the City of Laredo Fine Arts and Culture Commission and the Keep Laredo Beautiful Commission. This is a continuation of KLB’s public art initiatives that aim to educate and inform the community on environmental stewardship using storm water infrastructure that can double as an urban art canvas.