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Laredo, Texas

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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

United South’s Class of 2021 Time Capsule and Tree Planting Ceremony

Courtesy Rocio Moore,

(Laredo, Texas)- United South High School’s 9th grade students gathered to commemorate the first time capsule and tree planting ceremony.  This event represents the Class of 2021 and will be known as the first class to contribute to its campus and it’s environment.  The time capsule is set to be unearthed in 2031, ten years after their graduation. 

Memorabilia placed in chest included; a panoramic picture of the school and class, letter from our Associate Principal Olga Cantu, powerpoint presentation with pictures, football jerseys, magazines, books, and letters from peers, a Selena cup and many other items that are dear to their hearts.They have left specific instructions with the campus bookkeeper for the class to review when they unearth the time capsule. 

This year has been filled with many firsts for the class of 2021, as they are the first students to occupy the 9th grade campus, the first class to plant a tree and the first to bury a time capsule.  

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