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Laredo, Texas

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Sunday, March 23, 2025

Alexander High School Hosts Never Be Absent Event 

Courtesy Yvette Treviño,

(Laredo, Texas)-Alexander High School held a Never Be Absent (NBA) event this afternoon. Students with perfect attendance were invited to the exclusive event. This type of event is hosted at the end of every nine week period and only students with perfect attendance are able to attend. The fun filled event includes snacks, music, and best of all prizes!
Prizes vary from campus to campus and vary in range, but most campuses can see some or all of the following prizes: wireless speakers, tablets, wireless ear phones, Smart TV’s, Hair Products such as flat irons and hair dryers, cologne/perfume, Dr. Dre Beats, docking stations, laptops, iPads, Letterman Jackets, yearbooks, etc.
In addition to being entered into a drawing for the above listed prizes, students are also given vouchers to be entered into a drawing for a brand new Kia Niro sponsored by Sames Auto Group. All vouchers issued to students this nine weeks are due no later than Saturday, January 20, 2018. Vouchers must be dropped off at Sames Auto Group, 6001 San Dario Ave.

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