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Laredo, Texas

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Thursday, March 27, 2025

Colonel Santos Benavides Elementary is Proud to be Drug Free

Courtesy Yvette Treviño,

(Laredo, Texas)-Laredo Sector Border Patrol Agents visited Colonel Santos Benavides Elementary for an informational presentation about the importance of being drug free. Agents presented students with information on the history of Red Ribbon Week. According to the nation’s Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) Website, Red Ribbon Week is the nation’s oldest and largest drug prevention awareness program. The program began shortly after Drug Enforcement Agent Enrique “Kike” Camarena who lost his life supporting DEA’s mission to combat drugs and keep them off the streets.

Students also learned tips on what to do if confronted by someone who is pressuring you to do drugs as well as what the effects drugs have on your body.

Pictured below from L to R: Agent Compean, Carolina Arredondo, Gianna Liza Gonzalez, Stephanie Casas, Ryan Martinez, Santiago Vazquez, Alex Barrera, and Agent Lopez

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