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Laredo, Texas

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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

George and Martha Washington Visit Students at Veterans Memorial

Courtesy Veronica Cantu,

(Laredo, Texas)- Students from Veterans Memorial Elementary School were visited by the Society of Martha Washington’s Sons and Daughters of Liberty group who brought George and Martha Washington, Betsy Ross, and other colonial period characters to speak to students about the importance of this historic time period.

After the presentation, the group presented a book to the school that will be in the library for students to check out and read. Pictured is the group who were recognized for their dedication to historic history telling by United ISD Board President Ricardo “Rick” Rodriguez and Superintendent Roberto J. Santos. This year’s George and Martha Washington are being portrayed by Pete Mims and Minnie Dora Haynes. They will part of Laredo’s George Washington Birthday Celebration festivities and colonial ball.  

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