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Laredo, Texas

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Monday, March 24, 2025

UISD Police Department Get Added Protection

laredo texas policeCourtesy Alex Meyer, 

(Laredo, Tx) On August 18, 2014 the UISD Police Department in conjunction with the UISD Grants Administration Department was awarded funding to cover half the cost of 35 bullet proof vests for UISD Police Officers from the Bulletproof Vest Partnership (B.V.P.), of the U.S. Department of Justice.

The total project cost was $20,788.00, out of which the partnership contributed  $9,951.00.  

All of the vests meet safety standards set by the federal government and have been tested by the National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center.

In previous years, the District was awarded smaller grants for the purchase of a few vests. The current award allows for the purchase of a significantly larger number of vests for the UISD Police Department, which includes the new officers that are being deployed to all UISD elementary schools.

Dr. Edith Landeck, Director of Grants Management said that the grant partnership is a very good fit with the District’s safety plan and that the collaboration between the UISD Police, the Division of Business and Finance, and Grants Administration has proven to be a success. “These vests will help protect our officers while they are protecting our students”, said Landeck.

UISD Police Chief Clemente Camarillo said that the bullet proof vests will provide UISD Police officers a significant layer of protection in the event of a crisis. “I want to thank our District’s grant writer and administration for providing the UISD Police Department with the necessary tools to help protect our officers while they do their job protecting students and employees”, said Camarillo.

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