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Laredo, Texas

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Monday, March 24, 2025

City of Laredo Health Department Offers Back to School Reminders

image006Courtesy Xochitl Mora,

Laredo, TX— As we get ready to go back to school, the City of Laredo Health Department along with the Police and Fire Department, want to remind the public on the following:

·         Be Safe– Remember to look both ways before crossing the street and listen to the school crossing guard.

·         Slow Down– Everyone should slow down to the required speed limit in all school zones. Be aware of traffic and speed during drop-off and pick-up times.

·         Obey all traffic signs, rules, especially around school areas.

·         Wear seatbelts at all times.

·         All children younger than five years of age and less than 36 inches in height must ride in a car seat.

·         Children under age 8 must ride in a booster seat, unless they are 4’9″ tall.

·         Stop for school buses loading or unloading children (indicated by bus alternating and flashing red lights).

·         If you ride a bicycle, use a helmet.

·         It is against City Ordinance for anyone to be using cell phones in any capacity around school zones.

·         Children should be reminded to wash their hands before eating and after going to the bathroom.

·         Help stop the spread of germs and cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve or elbow and wash hands.

·         Use disposable tissues and dispose appropriately and wash hands.

·         All students should get a good night sleep and a good breakfast in the morning.

·         Think healthier, chose plenty of fruits and vegetables and walk and exercise.

·         Remember to bathe daily and dry well.

·         For athletes, band members, and pep squads, make sure to drink plenty of water.

·         Get all of your immunizations to protect against very serious preventable diseases.

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