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Laredo, Texas

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Monday, January 27, 2025

PHOTO RECAP: Mayor Salinas, Chief Garner, Laredo Police Dept. LPOA and United ISD Police Dept. Visit Abel Perez in San Antonio

Courtesy Xochitl Mora,

Team Abel 2(Laredo, Tx)- This week, City of Laredo Mayor Raul G. Salinas, along with Laredo Police Chief Ray Garner, Laredo Police Sgt. Roberto Medina, Laredo Police Officer Laura Montemayor, United I.S.D. Chief Clemente Camarillo, Officer Pedro Palomo, Laredo Police Officer Association President Officer Luis Dovalina, LPOA Member Enedina Martinez and two counselors from LBJ High School traveled to San Antonio to visit with Abel Perez, the young student from LBJ injured in the bus roll-over a few weeks ago.

 Abel was showered with three gift baskets , full of Laredo police memorabilia, and according to Mayor Salinas, Abel’s eyes got wide and lit up when the contingency arrived, bearing gifts. “He was so thrilled and emotional, he perked up immediately.  You could really see it,” said Salinas. 

 Chief Garner and Co., named him an honorary police officer,  presenting Abel with a police shirt complete with a badge that reads “Honorary Officer.”  Mayor Salinas gave him a cap from the FBI, while also stealing a fry from Abel.  Additionally, the LPOA also made a check presentation of $100 to the family. 

 Abel, for his part, while emotional, was so thrilled and thankful to have the support and prayers of the entire community of Laredo behind him.  His mother was just as emotional, surprised and grateful for the support Abel and the family are receiving.  

 “He is so strong and positive, and he has a lot of faith, which is going to be important for his rehab,” continued Mayor Salinas.  “Tomorrow, he has surgery and we need the entire community to keep supporting him.  He’s showing a lot of moxy and great spirits, and we need to continue to be behind him.”

 According to Hugo Gonzalez, Abel’s brother-in-law’s brother, all of the support Abel has received has made such a difference:  “He can’t stop smiling; he looks way better and even more happy than before.”  Hugo also wanted to thank the Laredo Police Department and the City of Laredo for everything.  “I couldn’t ask for more.  You all have given more than I was asking for.  God bless you all. Team Abel!”

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