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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Webb Legislative Committee in Austin

Courtesy Larry Sanchez,

 The Webb County Legislative Affairs Committee is in Austin this week to present Webb County’s legislative priorities for the year 2013 to State Senator Judith Zaffirini, Representative Tracy King, Representative Richard Raymond and other elected representatives.

In Austin are Webb County Judge Danny Valdez, Commissioners Mike Montemayor, John C. Galo, Jaime Canales, County Attorney Marco Montemayor, Executive Administrator Leroy Medford, Planning Director Rhonda Tiffin and Interim Indigent Health Care Director Nancy Cadena.

Webb County has identified legislative priorities that are specific to county interests and as such, have included these on its Legislative Agenda with detailed  information as to the issues and rationale for support. These legislative initiatives will assist Webb County and its citizenry to establish constitutional and legislative  authority relating to the disposition of proceeds from mineral rights in the Webb County Permanent School Lands, assure that funds allocated for Regional Healthcare Partnership (RHP) 20 are kept within the region, secure adequate funding for transportation projects and first-responders, provide authority to develop urban renewal programs, protect private property owners by limiting electioneering on the premises of privately owned businesses used as polling places, and establish authorities for Webb County to implement adequate land use and management controls to safeguard public health and safety with particular emphasis on issues associated with the Eagle-Ford Shale drilling operations and development.

Webb County believes that these legislative initiatives will extensively enhance county government, improve the public well-being and advance the life of the county’s residents.

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