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Laredo, Texas

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Monday, March 24, 2025

LISD Family Reading Night Out

Courtesy Roberto Treviño,

(Laredo, Tx)- As part of Read Across America Week, all Laredo Independent School District libraries will be hosting the district’s second Annual Family Reading Night Out. The event is held to promote literacy and family involvement. Family Reading Nigh Out is planned for Wednesday, February, 27, from 5:30 p.m., to 7:30 p.m. at all campuses.

 This year’s Reading Night Out’s theme is “Score with Books.” Students and parents are encouraged to wear their favorite team jersey! All schools will have stations that will include an area for parents and students to read together, access to numerous reading resources and materials to take home, literacy inspired activities, food and refreshments as well as to listen to guest readers.

 Some guest speakers include LISD Board of Trustees Dr. Cecilia M. Moreno, Rick Garza, Jose Valdez, and Jose Perez, Mayor Raul Salinas, Judge Becky Palomo, Judge Joe Lopez, Ryan Bailey, and Teo Garcia. For a complete list of guest speakers and activities for the week please visit www.laredoisd.org.

 Every year in celebration of “Read Across America,” millions of young readers, including Laredo ISD students join the National Education Association (NEA) in promoting reading through many activities.

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