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Laredo, Texas

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Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Mayor Salinas Offers Reaction To Fiscal Cliff Agreement

Courtesy Xochitl Mora,

Mayor congratulates Laredo’s congressional delegation for bipartisanship

 (Laredo, TX )  City of Laredo Mayor Raul G. Salinas today offered his reaction to Congressional actions to avoid the fiscal cliff, as well as thoughts on the commencement of the 113th Congress.

 “Now that I, along with the rest of the City of Laredo administration, have had the opportunity to review the details of the fiscal cliff agreement, I would like to offer my thanks to Laredo’s congressional delegation of Senators Hutchison and Cornyn and Representative Cuellar for setting aside political differences and doing what is right for Laredo and the country.” 

 “With the 113th Congress being sworn in , I look forward to continuing working with our hometown congressman, Representative Cuellar, as well as Senator Cornyn in the days to come to address the unresolved work that needs to be done.  I also look forward to working with the newest members of the Texas congressional delegation including Senator Ted Cruz and Representatives Joaquin Castro, Pete Gallego, Beto O’Rourke, Steve Stockman, Mark Veasey, FilemonVela, Randy Weber, and Roger Williams.”

 Mayor Salinas also added, “I am saddened by the departure of Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison.  Laredo has long viewed her as one of our own, and more importantly, Senator Hutchison had long viewed Laredo as part of her family.  We wish her and her family nothing but the very best in the years to come.  We hope she will know that she is always welcome in Laredo.”

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