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Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Law Enforcement Veteran Runs for UISD Trustee Position

Manuel  Lugo a lifelong law enforcement officer and businessman steps up as a candidate to become a UISD Trustee representing the citizens of District 4.  Lugo comes off a recent stint as a  Webb County Deputy Constable from Pct.2.  UISD and City Elections will take place during the Presidential Election with early voting starting on October 22nd and running thru November 2nd Election Day is on November 6, 2012.  Manuel Lugo’s Campaign Headquarters is located alongside Loop 20 half a block west of Ejido.


7 Responses “Law Enforcement Veteran Runs for UISD Trustee Position”

  1. puro mugrero
    December 5, 2012 at 6:43 am

    The Lugos are a waste of time. They are as corrupt as they come. They always run for office and never get elected, I wonder why?? They are like the roaches that never go away and after a while people dont even pay attention to them.

  2. Anonymous
    November 3, 2012 at 11:20 am

    Probably the same way the sheriff and commissioner have they’re employees do he same thing. its not the first time it’s happened and it will keep on happening in any office and in any county.

  3. curious
    October 25, 2012 at 3:05 pm

    constable rodriguez and veliz are abusing their power by having their employees take people out to vote on county time what a bunch of nut sacks im curios why is this allowed?

  4. 10-59
    October 14, 2012 at 8:27 am

    veliz is a piece of crap just like his dad what can you expect from someone who turns a blind eye to his fathers infidelity not one ounce of respect for his mother hey liz its time for you to get off your knees you filthy overpriced whore

  5. UISD Pct 4
    October 14, 2012 at 2:17 am

    Your looking good lugo, echale ganas. Its about somebody steps up to the plate, we need a change, I like your stile. I have watched you pass by my house almost every day in a black 4 door mazda with your logo on the doors. Don’t worry brother the word is out te lo vas a llevar estos otros dudes no try nada. The only one that walking the streets are judge Veliz employee’s and thats only couse he forces them to help his son to use him as his pupet like he did with Ricky Rodriguez pero se le va acabar su pedito carnal por que he’s next, in with the new and out with the old, that’s what I say. Let me say I might be low income but im no pendejo there’s trash that smells bad, esa ruca que le esta ayudando a veliz had the cajones to ask me if she could take your sign off and put veliz sign, I just plade it cool and told them no, but if she wanted to go ahead and put his sign, para abitar problemas. I know he ubuses his authority to control people that work for him, but there are some people that work for him that are force to do his dirty work and there jobs are on the line, but when you win, and you will win!! echales la mano carnal, im an old man and have been working hard all my life, im used to it. I perty much mind to myself have a few cold ones, so don’t worry about me, I have a large family and most of us are from the south. I garantee at least 7 votes just in my home. And a few 30 votes spreaded out and im going to work them for you, all I ask in return is that you do what you said you were going to do for our schools and protect our children from all the violence and organize crime I got chingos of grand kids and half of them are there teens. So when you win cabron, I know you said you wanted to work and support the administration staff, the teachers I don’t really care about them they get paid for their profession im more for the students, I want to see more for them. Well I guest ive expressed more than I should, so good luck Mr. Lugo, and god bless…

  6. lugo4trustee
    October 3, 2012 at 4:18 pm

    He is a better choice than veliz son thats for sure veliz is a dirty politician who uses his power to step on the people of south laredo

  7. del sur
    October 3, 2012 at 6:19 am

    echale ganas manuel te la vas a llevar

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