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Tuesday, February 4, 2025

LISD’s Department of Financial Management Receives National Budget Award

LISD’s Department of Financial Management receives national budget award

Courtesy Armando Treviño,

For the fourth year in a row the Laredo Independent School District has been awarded the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award.  This recognition is given by the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) of the United States and Canada.

 The award represents a significant achievement by the LISD Department of Financial Management. It reflects the commitment of the LISD Board of Trustees and staff to meet the highest principles of governmental budgeting. In order to receive the budget award, LISD had to satisfy nationally recognized guidelines for effective budget presentation. These guidelines are designed to assess how well the school district’s budget serves as: 

·      a policy document

·      a financial plan

·      an operations guide

·      a communications device

 Budget documents must be rated “proficient” in all four categories, and the fourteen mandatory criteria within those categories to receive the award.

 “The merits of this award portray the hard work and perseverance of our finance department.  Keeping our district financially stable and secure is our top priority,” said Flor Ayala, Chief Financial Officer.

 “These last two years have been particularly challenging with the budget shortfall from the state and the expected shortfall for next year, but I have continued to be amazed by our Department of Financial Management, led by Mrs. Ayala.  They have truly shown that you can make a little go a long way with determination,” said Superintendent Marcus Nelson.  “Our efforts are evidence that LISD wants to be fiscally transparent and efficient with resources entrusted to us for the education of our 24,500 students.”

 When the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award was granted, a Certificate of Recognition for Budget Presentation was also presented to the Department of Financial Management in the form of a plaque.

 For budgets including fiscal period 2010, over 1,289 entities received the Award. Award recipients have pioneered efforts to improve the quality of budgeting and provide an excellent example for other governments throughout North America.

 The Government Finance Officers Association is a nonprofit professional association serving nearly 17,400 government finance professionals throughout North America. The GFOA’s Distinguished Budget Presentation Awards Program is the only national awards program in governmental budgeting.

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