Christmas Holiday Affects Recycling Pick-Up Schedule
Written by Post Public Information Representative, Dec 21, 2011, 0 Comments
Courtesy Xochitl Mora,
The City of Laredo has moved to a twice-monthly branch and recycling pick-up schedule, to save on fuel, maintenance and labor costs. The pick-up days are divided by zip codes and usually fall on designated days for each area, for each specific collection. However, some adjustments need to be made for holidays. This week’s Christmas holiday will alter the recycling pick-up schedule for zip code78045.
For zip code 78045, recycling will be picked up on Thursday, December 22, 2011.
There will be no scheduled trash pick-up for Friday, December 23 and Monday, December 26. Weather permitting, the City of Laredo Landfill will be open regular hours, 8 AM – 5 PM on Friday, December 23, but closed on Saturday, December 24.
The recycling drop off site located at 2200 McPherson will be CLOSED Friday (12/23/11) and OPEN Saturday, (12/24/11) & Monday (12/26/11) regular hours (10am to 6pm).
For more information about trash, recycling and branch pick-up, call the City of Laredo’s Customer Service line at 3-1-1 or the Solid Waste Services Division Customer Service at 796-1098.