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Thursday, January 30, 2025

Protect Yourself against Bees this Season

Courtesy Xochitl Mora,

Laredo, TX – -The City of Laredo Health Department (CLHD) would like to provide the public with some safety precautions for bees. 

  • Never try to remove a bee hive yourself, especially if you are allergic to bees; when in doubt consult with your doctor. 
  • Call a pest control company for proper removal. 
  • The CLHD will provide protective and preventive measures against bees if they are a public health threat or in the public domain.
  • CLHD will take appropriate preventive measures by assessing the danger and will provide precautions and advice on bee management.
  • CLHD will not remove bees/bee hives in private property (you must call a pest control company).

Prevention and Removal of Bee Colonies:

  • Always check your environment for bees/hives (yard, picnic area etc.). 

§  Reduce the bee production environment (remove/cover food, standing water, trash, debris, overturned clay pots, automobile parts, tires, old appliances, cardboard boxes, or stacks of crates). 

  • Check your exterior wall for cracks or other openings, such as holes where pipes or wiring enter your home. 
  • Cover or drain pools or tubs when not in use.
  • Repair leaky faucets, faulty irrigation systems, put window screen over drains, attic vents, and irrigation valve boxes.
  • Fill or cover animal burrows in the ground.
  • Make sure window and sun screens are tight fitting.
  • Keep shed doors tightly closed and in good repair and exercise caution when entering buildings that are not used frequently.
  • Clear away garbage, fallen fruit, and dog or other animal feces (flies can attract wasps).
  • Be cautious when drinking beverages outside. Wide, open cups may be your best option because you can readily see what is in them.
  • Tightly cover food containers and trash cans.
  • When driving, keep your windows up.

§  Do not try to remove colonies yourself!  NEVER shoot, throw rocks at, pour gasoline on, burn or otherwise threaten established bee colonies.

Multiple Bee Stings

Generally, insects such as bees and wasps are not aggressive and only sting in self-defense. In most cases, this results in one or perhaps a few stings. However, in some cases a person will disrupt a hive or swarm of bees and get stung multiple times. Some types of bees are more likely than are other bees to swarm, stinging in a group.  If you get stung more than a dozen times, the accumulation of venom may induce a toxic reaction and make you feel sick. Multiple stings can be a medical emergency, especially in children, older adults, and people who have heart or breathing problems.

When to Seek Medical Attention: In most cases, bee stings do not require a visit to your doctor. In more severe cases call 911 or other emergency services.

Seek prompt medical care if you’ve been swarmed by bees and have multiple stings.

Make an appointment to see your doctor if:

§  Bee sting symptoms do not go away within a few days.

§  You have had other worsening symptoms that may indicate an allergic response to a bee sting.

If you encounter bees – Minimize your exposure!

  • If a few bees are flying around you, stay calm and slowly walk away from the area. Swatting at an insect may cause it to sting.
  • If a bee or wasp stings you, or many insects start to fly around, cover your mouth and nose and quickly leave the area. When a bee stings, it releases a chemical that attracts other bees. If you can, get into a building or closed vehicle.
  • Do not attempt to fool the bees by hiding or “playing dead” if you are stung.  The bees will continue to sting you.
  • Do not jump into water, such as a swimming pool.  Bees may wait for a victim to surface.
  • If you are with someone who cannot move away from the bees, cover them with a blanket, tarp, or other material.  This will not prevent bees already on the victim from stinging, but it could prevent additional injury.  Go get help.
  • In case of multiple bee stings please call 911!

 For more information please contact the City of Laredo Animal Control Division at (956) 795-4902.

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