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Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Laredo Animal Shelter Fundraiser To Go To The Dogs

Pooch Parade Press Conference 027Courtesy Xochitl Mora,

 (Laredo, TX )-  PAWSitive Pet Pals, an organization made up of the Laredo Animal Protective Society, along with partners Petland and KGNS, your Good Neighbor Station, have teamed up to bring the first ever Pet Pooch Parade, a fun-filled, exciting fundraiser for the animal shelter that will be fun for pets, their owners and everyone who wants to help their furry friends in need.  PAWSitive Pet Pals aims to raise money and awareness for homeless and abused animals in the community.   “Mohandas Gandhi once said that ‘the greatness of a nation and its moral program can be judged by the way in which its animals are treated;’ I believe Laredo is a great city and that people in this community love their pets, and those animals who could one day be their pets,” said Lori  Brizus, director of the Laredo Animal Protective Society and lead sponsor the Pet Pooch Parade.  “This parade will be the start of a wonderful relationship with Laredo and the animals who need so much help and support from this great community,” she added.

 The Pet Pooch Parade will be held on Saturday, July 10, 2010 at North Central Park; for only a $10 donation and registration starting at 8:00 a.m.  This walk is just like every other walk organized for other worthy causes; however, this walk encourages owners to bring their pets too.

 Prizes and activities will also abound in this one-of-a-kind event, with the first 100 persons getting a T-shirt and the first 100 dogs getting a bandana.  Registration packets, which will be given out during registration while they last will include various dog grooming products, and also, extra plastic bags for any waste that dogs may leave throughout the day. 

 “We want everyone to come out and have fun while reminding our pet owners to be responsible and keep the park pristine and clean for the other park patrons,” said Joe Carvalho and Laura Hatton, owners of Petland, a sponsor of the event.

 The walk will officially kick-off at 9:00 a.m. with the parade’s official Pet Pooch Parade Master, District VI Council Member Gene Belmares, an organizer of the fundraiser, along with his shelter dog, Hayley. Pooch Parade Press Conference 048 “I guess this fundraiser has truly gone to the dogs if they picked me to serve as parade marshall,” joked Belmares.  “But truly, it is an honor for me to lead this event, but more importantly, to help raise funds and awareness of the pressing needs at the animal shelter. 

 Aside from the walk, other activities that will be taking place will be children’s games for the little ones, a masseur for the older ones, and even water and snacks, both of the human and Scooby-snack variety, while they last.  Along the trail will be photos of pets that can be adopted from the shelter. 

 But of course, the highlight of the parade will be the pet costume contest judged by animal-lover extraordinaire, City of Laredo Mayor Raul G. Salinas, also part of the initial fundraiser planning, and his equally famous pet, the beloved First Dog of Laredo, Princess, also a shelter dog.  Contests will include the Most Original Animal Costume and the always funny Pet and Owner Look Alike contest.  Prizes include gift certificates to HEB, Carino’s Italian Restaurant and a host of other Laredo hot spots.

 “Everyone knows I love animals – especially my little Princess – and I am proud to do my part to help the animal shelter,” said Salinas.  “I encourage the whole community to come out, bring the family and bring your pet to this worthy cause.  Better yet, if you don’t have a pet, head out to the animal shelter and find your newest family member today; it will be the best decision you ever made,” Salinas added.

To enter, interested participants should pick-up a form from any of the three sponsor agencies or download one from www.pro8news.com and bring it, along with the registration fee per person/pet, to the park the day of the parade.  Bring a bowl for your pet; water will be made available for them throughout the park.  For more information on the Pet Pooch Parade, please call:  Lori at 724-2364; Joe or Laura at 724-5118; or Victoria at 727-8888.

One Response “Laredo Animal Shelter Fundraiser To Go To The Dogs”

  1. Diana
    July 5, 2010 at 5:36 pm

    Thank you so much for such a wonderful event. You bet we will be there with our wonderful, adopted shelter pets !

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