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Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Martin High JROTC donates to cancer research

JROTC IMG_5482Courtesy Roberto Treviño,

 Martin High School JROTC Tiger Battalion donated $1,000 to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS) Pennies for Patients Campaign. From March 23, to April 9, the Tiger Battalion, in its fight to help find a cure for cancer, collected spare change in honor of local student survivors and current patients.

 During the two week campaign, the cadets collected spare change from their friends, family, and the community. The cadets were divided into three sectors with each Tiger Company responsible for a section of the school. Each classroom on campus had a piggy bank box where students and the community were able to contribute money on a daily base. Several cadets even spent one Saturday afternoon collecting money at Wal-Mart and one particular student collected over $270 from their mother’s co-workers at Laredo Medical Center.

 “We want to help out the community and become better citizens,” said Jorge Sandoval, Martin High School Senior. “It feels great knowing that our efforts are helping other people in need throughout our community.”

 According to MSG Adolfo Gonzalez, Martin High Senior Army Instructor, the Pennies for Patients campaign is a remarkable program that allows students to experience the pride that comes from helping others. “The cadets set a goal of attaining $1000.00,” said Gonzalez. “This is the first year that the Martin High School JROTC cadets have accomplished that goal.”

Over the last two years the cadets have collected over $1,600 for the LLS Pennies for Patients campaign program.

The LLS provided the materials the cadets need including collection boxes for each classroom, posters, and information for students to take home to their parents. The School and Youth Programs incorporate service learning into programs that give students the chance to help people fighting blood cancer. Last year, 275 schools in the South Texas raised over $250,000 dollars for helping advance the LLS’s mission to find a cure.

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