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Sunday, January 26, 2025

LISD Completes Successful H1N1 Vaccine Clinics

Courtesy Roberto Treviño,

 Laredo Independent School District’s Health Services Department recently completed H1N1 vaccine clinics for all its staff and students. LISD hosted 25 H1N1 vaccine clinics and immunized a total of 9,933 individuals vaccinated against H1N1.

 Since November, the LISD Health Services Department has immunized 6,876 students, which represents 27.20% of LISD student population, 548 staff members and 2,509 LISD community members (family and relatives) according to Patricia Keck, LISD Director of Health Services.

 “I appreciate the district nurses and staff who have participated in this well organized program. I would especially like to thank, Elsa Arce, Executive Director of Student Services, Patricia Keck, Director of Health Services, and all of the district and campus staff that participated in these immunizations,” said Dr. Marcus Nelson, LISD Superintendent. “I would like to also take this opportunity to remind all of us to take the following precautionary measures as we try to combat the spread of H1N1 and seasonal influenza.”

                ·         Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze.

·         Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you sneeze or cough.

·         Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth.

·         Students, faculty, or staff that have influenza type symptoms should stay at home to avoid contact with others for at least 24 hours after the fever has ended.

 H1N1 vaccinations were made available to all LISD students, campus-based staff, and community members (student family members).

 “LISD’s H1N1 vaccine clinics promoted wellness for individuals as well for our whole district,” explained Keck. “Vaccination reduces the potential of serious H1N1 illness for each individual; mitigate the number of individuals affected by an anticipated third wave of H1N1 flu; reduce district absences due to flu illness; and will help assure that LISD’s educational mission continues without interruption due to the flu pandemic.”

 “We are grateful to the City of Laredo Health Department for partnering with us in this important endeavor,” said Keck. “Gratitude is also extended to each school nurse, school health assistant, and campus administrator who helped conduct each clinic so successfully.”

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