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Laredo, Texas

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Tuesday, March 25, 2025



image001Courtesy Xochitl Mora,

 Laredo, TX — The City of Laredo Health Department is pleased to announce the arrival of its new state-of-the-art Communication and Response Trailer designed to enhance local public health emergency preparedness efforts throughout the State of Texas. 

The unit was designed by engineers at the non-profit Texas Association of Local Health Officials (TALHO), based out of Cedar Park, TX.  TALHO began design plans earlier this year for an initial production round of five Communication and Response Trailers.  The trailer arrived in Laredo in December 2009, and it will be fully functional on January 20, after county officials undergo technical training to gain expertise on the unit’s leading-edge technology. 

Powered by both traditional and renewable energy sources, Laredo’s Communication and Response Trailer implements both advanced communication infrastructure in emergency situations and a mobile means of serving local public health as a point-of-distribution for vaccines and supplies. 

Should communications be disrupted or damaged in the area by, for example, a hurricane, the Communication and Response Trailer is able to maintain incoming and outgoing telephone functionality, provide videoconferencing capabilities and data services including Internet, email and web applications.

“This equipment only improves the response by our professional and expert staff we already have in our public health emergency preparedness and response team. Communication is clearly an important asset in any event and this equipment thanks to Federal Funding to the Department of State Health Services will play an important role in any emergency event” We also want to thank TALHO for their partnership to assist in getting this equipment ready for use” said Dr. Hector F. Gonzalez Director for the City of Laredo Health Department.

For ease-of-use in any scenario, the Communications and Response Trailer utilizes a multitude of power-sources: AC power, a propane generator, renewable energy including solar panels and a wind generator, and state-of-the-art lithium iron phosphate rechargeable batteries with a well-above average lifespan and power storage capacity.  TALHO engineers incorporated low-power consumption lighting and multiple-power sources to extend usage life in crisis situations.

“TALHO conceptualized the Communication and Response Trailer with sustainability in mind, incorporating a variety of communication options, advanced technology, and renewable power,” said Jason Phipps, TALHO’s Chief Technology Officer.

“TALHO has always used technology to enhance public health and the Communication and Response Trailer is one of our contributions to the preparedness efforts that local officials have worked so diligently to strengthen,” said Lee Lane, the organization’s executive director.

The trailer was purchased with Community Preparedness Bioterrorism Discretionary funds through the Texas Department of State Health Services and Center of Disease Control.

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