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Monday, March 24, 2025

The City of Laredo Health Department

Courtesy Xochitl Mora,

Laredo, TX-The City of Laredo Health Department (CLHD) is celebrating National Public Health Week to highlight what we do every day to prevent disease, promote wellness, contain and respond to biological events and to protect and safeguard our wellbeing. The CLHD also provides primary and chronic disease care as our community continues to be underserved. “We want to congratulate our health department staff for their dedication in prevention and care” said Dr. Hector F. Gonzalez, Director of Health.  “We need to be proud of all public health actions such as safe food, safe drinking water, little to no communicable diseases, excellent surveillance and early detection and protection” these are all public health actions that make our communities safe and help us live a healthier life” Dr Gonzalez further stated.   

This year’s Public Health Week theme, announced by the American Public Health Association is “Safety is No Accident: Live Injury-free.”  Public Health (PH) has always reviewed the epidemiology of disease trends and monitors emerging issues to develop protection and prevention measures.  Besides direct action, PH develops policies that enable better and healthier lives. PH is credited for the use of seat belts, accident prevention, food safety, and sanitation and infection control to name a few actions.

To make the public more aware of “Safety”, we want the public to learn more on injury, accident, fire and violence prevention. In addition, we encourage everyone to take the necessary steps to prevent accidents (falls, injuries in the workplace, drowning, poisoning, car trauma, or accidental gun wound).  Each year in the U.S., nearly 150,000 people die from injuries and almost 30 million people are injured seriously enough to seek emergency care. Driving a car, playing a sport, swimming or simply walking down a street can all present hazards.  In addition, violence and maltreatment affect people of all ages, including in the workplace.  We can prevent and protect ourselves.  National Public Health Week is about taking steps toward prevention, disease control and this year theme focuses to prevent injury, accidents and violence. To start the week’s activities a press conference and proclamation will be held on:

  • Monday, April 4, 2011 at 9:00 a.m. at the City of Laredo Health Department Auditorium.

For more information on National Public Health Week or for this year’s calendar of events please call the City of Laredo Heath Department at (956) 795-4951 or (956) 795-4918.


Public Health Week 2011

Calendar of Events

  • AprilMonday,  4, 9 am; City of Laredo Health Department Auditorium- Press Conference and proclamation by Mayor Raul G. Salinas, Police Chief Carlos Maldonado, Fire Chief Steve Landin and Dr. Hector F. Gonzalez, Director CLHD. Other will also participate.
  • Monday, April 4, 1-5 pm CLHD HIV/STD services and PILLAR (People with Ideas of Love Liberty Acceptance and Respect) will provide awareness education on bullying, suicide and sexual identity at the Job Corps.
  • Tuesday, April 5, 9-11 am at the City of Laredo Health Department; Webb County Sheriff’s department will provide free fingerprinting 
  • Tuesday, April 5, 9-11 at the City of Laredo Health Department, the City of Laredo Fire Department will stage the Fire Safety House
  • Tuesday, April 5 from 9 – 11 am Texas Department of Transportation at the City of Laredo Health Department will demonstrate the proper use and set up of a car seat.
  • Wednesday, April 6, 12-1 pm. at the Inner City Pool 202 W. Plum St; the City of Laredo Parks and Leisure Department will provide free swimming lessons and drowning safety
  • Wednesday, April 6, 1-5 pm. Health Department Auditorium; the City of Laredo Risk Management Division will provide Free Defensive Driving classes to the first 30 people
  • Thursday, April 7, 9 am, Casa de Misericordia 1000 Mier St. (Lamar Bruni Vergara education center rm. 8) will provide domestic violence education.
  • Thursday, April 7, 8 am–12 pm. At the Job Corps CLHD HIV/STD services and PILLAR will provide education awareness on bullying, suicide and sexual identity
  • Thursday, April 7, 1 to 5 pm. Health Department Auditorium free CPR classes will be provided
  • Friday, April 8, 1 to 5 pm Health Department Auditorium, the City of Laredo Risk Management will conduct a free First Aid classes
  • Sunday, April 8, 1-5 pm SCAN will host their annual children’s play day

 National Public Health Week helps educate Laredoans on Public Health and how to live healthier. Thi

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