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Sunday, March 30, 2025

United South Senior Wins National Safety Essay Contest

Courtesy Rocio Moore,

(Laredo, Texas)-United South High School (USHS), senior Vanessa Carranza was recently announced as a winner in the Career Safe National Safety Essay Scholarship Contest.  Ms. Carranza’s essay demonstrated how a 10 hour Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA), training course has been beneficial to her and her loved ones.

     An excerpt from her essay states “Before OSHA, I only knew the basic safety rules, but since completing the course, it has changed the way I recognize hazards. For example, I was helping my dad move some boxes from the storage and looked to see if I can catch any dangers and I did catch a few. I noticed that my dad was wearing sandals, so I let him know about the proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), that he should be using such as wearing appropriate footwear just in case a heavy box could fall on his feet.” The OSHA course was an extension of Carranza’s Magnet School Distribution and Logistics class at USHS. Her teacher is Ms. Claudia Saenz. Ms. Carranza’s essay can be viewed in its entirety at:   

 https://www.careersafeonline. com/index.php/news-events/2-un categorised/434-essay-scholars hip-winner-vanessa-carranza


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