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Saturday, March 15, 2025

Four Alexander High School Students Qualify for 2018-19 University Interscholastic League State Cross-Examination Debate Meet

 Courtesy Alex Meyer

(Laredo, Texas)-Alexander High School has qualified four students for the 2018-19 University Interscholastic League State CrossExamination Debate Meet to be held March 22-23 at The University of Texas at Austin.

 Qualifiers include: The 1st place team of Daniella Cuellar and Ivan Garcia and 2nd place team of Alexander Chapa and Fernando Serna.The students qualified for the state meet by placing first or second at the UIL CrossExamination District Meet held at L.B. Johnson High School on February 1-2, 2019.

 “UIL debate competition motivates students and provides them with practical application for the skills they are developing,” said Jana Riggins, UIL State Debate Director. “This year’s debate topic prompted students to research and form their own thoughts and opinions on the real-world issue our government is challenged with: Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially reduce its restrictions on legal immigration in the United States.”

Through participation at the UIL Cross-Examination State Meet, students who advance to the debate elimination rounds qualify for Texas Interscholastic League Foundation scholarships. Since its inception in 1959, the TILF has provided more than $32 million to more than 20,000 students. Amounts of scholarships range from $500 for one year to $20,000 over four years. 

This year TILF will dispurse more than $1 million to more than 600 students. The TILF has over $11 million in endowed funds and recieves direct scholarship grants each year of  more than $800,000 from foundations, individuals and corporate sponsors throughout the state.

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