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Laredo, Texas

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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

United ISD Elementary Schools  Lovin’ McTeacher Night

Courtesy Rocio Moore,

(Laredo, Texas)- McDonald’s Restaurants of Laredo presented eleven United ISD elementary schools with checks for participating in McTeacher’s NightMcTeache r‘s Night is a popular and visible fundraising program that takes place in McDonald’s restaurants where educators and their school communities are invited to their assigned McDonald’s location to “work” and raise money for their respective schools.   

“We would like to thank all the schools that participated in this year’s event,” said McDonald’s owner Mike Marasco. “It’s always great to see students, families, and educators come together for an evening fun while helping to raise funds for their school,” he added.

Schools that participated in these events received 20% of the total sales from that restaurant. This year, United ISD schools raised a record breaking $7,045. The funds raised through this program return to the schools who apply the proceeds to various projects. In the past these funds have been used to purchase books, additional classroom resources, and student incentives. 

“We want to thank McDonald’s Restaurants of Laredo for working with our schools and for being great community partner of our District,” said United ISD Superintendent Roberto J. Santos.

The donation checks were awarded by McDonald’s Restaurants of Laredo owners, Mike Marasco and Rocio De Leon. 

United ISD schools that participated in McTeacher’s Night were:  Clark, DeLlano, Salinas, Trautmann, Centeno, Veterans Memorial, Newman, Freedom, and Borchers Elementary Schools. 

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