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Laredo, Texas

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Wednesday, March 19, 2025

LBJ Early College High School Anticipates First Graduating Class in 2019

Courtesy Alex Meyer,

 (Laredo, Texas)-The LBJ Early College High School staff (ECHS), and the Laredo Rotary Club planted two oak trees in front of the LBJ campus to commemorate the first ECHS graduating class of 2019. The ceremony was attended by members of the Laredo Rotary Club, who helped cover the cost of the trees. Yardart and Lowe’s also provided assistance by contributing planting soil and other materials. Special guests included LBJ Principal Armando Salazar and ECHS staff.  However, the largest group of attendees was the LBJ ECHS student body, including the first group who will receive their Associate Degrees prior to receiving their high school diplomas in 2019.

   “These oak trees are dedicated to our ECHS community of young educated students who will continue to enjoy the fruits of their labor as they thrive and grow academically and personally”, said LBJ Early College Dean Yesenia Sandoval, who continued by reminding guests that the ECHS curriculum is demanding, and requires an abundance of personal initiative and discipline to master. “All of us at LBJ high school are proud of these students,” she concluded.

    A brief history of ECHS at LBJ High School:  In April of 2015, UISD partnered with Laredo Community College to launch the District’s Early College High School Program (ECHS), at Lyndon B. Johnson High School. The program offers college level course work to incoming 9th grade students who live within UISD boundaries. ECHS graduates can earn up to 60 hours of transferable college credit, which is the equivalent of two years of college or an Associate’s Degree.

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