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Friday, March 14, 2025

Alexander Senior Wins CBP Wisdom and Leadership Enforcement Award

Courtesy Alex Meyer,

 J.B. Alexander high school (AHS) senior Celeste Kristina Guerra has won the  April 2018 Wisdom and  Leadership Enforcement Award from U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). Ms. Guerra was nominated for the award by criminal justice instructor Anna Acosta.

 The award is a merit based accolade  that recognizes leaders among students attending UISD and LISD. All candidates for the award are actively involved in law enforcement, criminal justice, and charity programs within the community, and must maintain a minimum 85 grade point average. All candidates for the award have demonstrated good judgment, and through their leadership, are making a positive impact in their schools and community. 

  Ms. Guerra’s friends, family and fellow CBP explorers attended the awards ceremony. For the honoree, it was a joyful and humbling experience. “I feel very honored to receive this award, because there are so many other equally deserving students. I want to thank Ms. Acosta for nominating me, and  I also want to thank my family for always being supportive of my work”, said Guerra.  The Wisdom and Leadership Enforcement Award is sponsored by active youth leaders in CBP, Explorer Post 2304, and Falcon International Bank. Additional sponsors include Jett Bowl and Chick-fil-A.

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