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Sunday, January 26, 2025

CBP at the Laredo Port of Entry Hosts Bring Your Child To Work Day 2017

Courtesy Mucia Dovalina,

LAREDO, Texas — U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Office of Field Operations employees at the Laredo Port of Entry recently hosted its annual “Bring Your Child To Work Day” event, which stems from the national program by the Take Our Daughters And Sons To Work Foundation.

The yearly event, held at World Trade Bridge on Friday, April 14, exposes young girls and boys to what a parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle or mentor in their lives does at work in a hands-on and interactive environment. Deputy Port Director Alberto Flores delivered the official welcome followed by the singing of the national anthem by Madison Sims and Jamie Hays and the presentation of colors by the Explorer Post 2304. Deputy Port Director Flores recognized all the employees present and highly praised the children who had opted to wake up early to learn about the CBP mission and what their family members do on a day when they didn’t have classes.

“This year’s Bring Your Child to Work event went extremely well and garnered the participation and interest of 260 children of our CBP officers, employees and employees of our partner federal agencies along with those who staffed the interactive information booths to help educate our children on the complex duties of CBP officers, agriculture specialists, import specialists and how important that work is ensuring the security of America’s borders while facilitating lawful trade and travel,” Deputy Port Director Flores said.

This year, U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s Office of Field Operations, Air and Marine Operations and other federal agencies and their employees invited their daughters and sons currently attending school in grade levels first through twelfth to attend. The other participating agencies included Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) and Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The theme for this year was “Dependability,” which reminds our children that they may look to friends, teammates, family, mentors and teachers to not let you down, and in return that they can be counted on as well.

A total of 260 boys and girls participated in the event along with more than 60 employees/parents who assisted the children as they made their way through the 11 presentations that were set up by the participating agencies. The children showed-off their enthusiasm at the beginning of the event as they cheered for their team photo poster competition. The posters are created by each of the team volunteers and are displayed throughout the day. After a group photo, a captivating presentation was presented by the Less Lethal and Firearms instructors where a live scenario of a vehicle chase and vehicle extraction was conducted. The boys and girls showed excitement as they watched and cheered for our very own CBP officers to safely secure the role players. The boys and girls actively participated in the defensive tactics demonstrations which included baton, taser and firearms. The canine demonstration was very intriguing since the CBP officers (canine) displayed several vehicle compartments which had been previously seized at the Laredo Port of Entry along with a canine demonstration. However, the most captivating presentation was the contraband concealment from the Anti-Terrorist Contraband Enforcement Team from World Trade Bridge. Numerous wooden bricks which simulated narcotic containers were hidden in a tractor in which the participants would conduct a physical inspection to discover the alleged contraband. 

Moreover, aside from the fun and interactive all-day agenda, it was the intent of U.S. Customs and Border Protection Office of Field Operations employees and the other participating agencies to serve as role models and inspire the girls and boys to strive to attain their full potential. The children had the opportunity to see first-hand what their parents and relatives do at work while protecting our country and that experience along with the smiles from all the children in attendance is priceless.

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